LANGUAGE ARTS2 Lessons, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and Activities for teaching 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade - 6th Grade - 7th Grade - 8th Grade - Elementary - Middle School

Word Bridges: Using Prepositions to Connect
This lesson is a review of prepositions, prepositional phrases, adjective phrases and adverb phrases.

Before or Behind?
An introductory lesson about prepositions and how to use them. Learning how to end a sentence with a preposition.

Double, Double: Using Compound Prepositions
This is an introductory lesson about prepositions, prepositional phrases, and compound prepositions.

Learning to Use Prepositional Phrases
A review lesson on using prepositions and prepositional phrases. Short examples are given, and the lesson is designed to test children?s knowledge and understanding of prepositions.

What Kind of Phrase?
Another short lesson about prepositional phrases and the distinction between adjective or adverb phrases. Examples are provided.

Preposition Roundup
A review lesson on the use of prepositions. A list of common prepositions is provided for future reference, and examples are shown.

Letter Writing
This lesson introduces letter writing, using the structure of a friendly letter.

Transitional Words and Phrases
This lesson introduces transitional words and phrases. It is designed as an individual or paired reading exercise coupled with individual activities.

Types of Conjunctions
This is a lesson about different types of conjunctions and how they are used.

The Connectors: Using Conjunctions
An introductory lesson about conjunctions and how they are used. A master list of conjunctions is provided for future reference.

The Equalizer: Learning to Use Coordinating Conjunctions
A review lesson about conjunctions with a focus on coordinating conjunctions.

Three Types of Conjunctions: It Takes All Kinds
An introductory or review lesson about the three types of conjunctions, coordinating, subordinating and correlative, and how to use them.

Coordinated: Using Coordinated Conjunctions
A review lesson about conjunctions with a particular focus on coordinating conjunctions and how they are used.

The Clause Joiner
This is an Introductory or review lesson about subordinating conjunctions and how to use them.

The Conjunction Pair
An introductory or review lesson about correlative conjunctions and how they are used.

A Connection Conjunction
An introductory or review lesson about correlative conjunctions and how to use them.

Independent Joins Dependent
An introductory or review lesson about subordinating conjunctions and how to use them, and a review of independent and dependent clauses.

Subordinating Conjunctions
An introductory or review lesson about subordinating conjunctions and how to use them.

Conjunction Roundup
A review lesson about conjunctions, prepositions, clauses, and phrases.

The Conjunctive Adverb
An introductory or review lesson about adverbial conjunctions and their function.

Adverbial Conjunctions: However, Accordingly, and Therefore
An introductory lesson about adverbial conjunctions and how to use them.

Conjunctions and Prepositions
A review lesson contrasting prepositions and conjunctions, with particular attention to the use of like, as, and as if.

Conjunction Confusion: Without and Unless
A short lesson about a common confusion between a conjunction and a preposition. When to use without and unless.

Reviewing Nouns
This is a review lesson about nouns, noun types, and the function of nouns in a sentence.

Reviewing Pronouns
This is a review lesson about pronouns, the different kinds of pronouns, and their function in a sentence.

Learning the Eight Parts of Speech
A review lesson about the eight parts of speech.

Reviewing Personal Pronouns
A review lesson about personal pronouns and their uses.

Reviewing Nouns and Pronouns
A review lesson about nouns and pronouns and how to use them.

The Novel: Structure and Format
An introductory lesson about the structure and format of a novel.

Giuseppe Verdi
This is a language lesson, using a short biography of Giuseppe Verdi as a basis for reading comprehension and music appreciation.

Don?t Ditch the Dictionary!
This is an introduction to the value of using a ?real? dictionary as opposed to a computer dictionary. Some preliminary mention of the diacritical marks.

Verbs: The Action Words
This is a short review lesson about action verbs and state-of-being verbs.

Reviewing Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
A short review of transitive verbs and intransitive verbs and their relation to direct and indirect objects in a sentence.

The Eight Parts of Speech
A review lesson about the eight parts of speech.

Sentence Practice
This is a review lesson about command sentences and exclamatory sentences.

The Pretenders: Verbals
This is a review lesson about verbals: infinitives, gerunds and participles.

Verb Varieties: Person, Voice, Tense, and Number
This is a review lesson about verbs and verb characteristics.

Using Libraries Will Make You Invincible!
This lesson touches on the Dewey Decimal System. Learn the attributes of real books and libraries versus using a computer to seek information.

The Describers: Reviewing Adjectives and Adverbs
This is a review lesson about adjectives and adverbs and how to use them.

More Adverb Advice
A review lesson about adverbs and adjectives.

Adverbs: I Am Not A Verb
A review lesson about adverbs and how they are used in sentences.

Time To Compare: Adjectival and Adverbial Degrees of Comparison
A review lesson about how to use adjectival and adverbial degrees of comparison.

More Things to Know About Adjectives
This is a review lesson about adjectives and how they are used.

Reviewing Prepositions
This is a simple review lesson about prepositions and how they are used.

Adverb of Preposition
A review lesson about prepositions and adverbs and the difference between them.

The Function of a Conjunction
This is a review lesson about different kinds of conjunctions and how they are used.

Conjunctions: Those Joining Words
A review lesson about conjunctions and the way they are used.

Reviewing Prepositions
A review lesson about prepositions and how they are used.

The Foundation Five: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Verbs
A review lesson about nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

Joiners and Connectors
A review lesson about conjunctions, prepositions and interjections.

Interjections: The Expressive Part of Speech
A review lesson about interjections and how to use them.

Hooray For Interjections
A review lesson about interjections and how to use them.

Reviewing Parts of Speech
A review of the eight parts of speech and how to use them. Exercises to test knowledge and skills form the greater part of the lesson content.

Sentences That Command
This is a short lesson about command sentences and how to use them.

Sentences and their Structure
This is an introductory lesson about sentences and their structure.

Be a Sentence Builder
This is an introductory lesson about sentences and sentence structure.

Capital Letter
An introductory lesson about how to capitalize sentences.

Capitalize: Sentence Beginnings
An introductory lesson about how capital letters are used in sentences.

Reviewing Sentences
This is a review lesson about sentences, periods, and capital letters.

More Sentence Practice
This is a review lesson encouraging more practice in sentence building.

Sentences Begin With a Capital Letter
A review lesson about subject and predicate and the requirement to begin sentences with a capital letter.

Sentences That Tell Something
A review lesson about statements, capitals, and periods.

The End: Periods and Telling Sentences
An introductory lesson about statements or telling sentences, and how to use periods.

The Whole Thing
A review lesson about sentence building and the role of subject and predicate.

This lesson is designed to explain what a fragment is.

Grammar: Mistakes
This lesson examines common grammatical mistakes.

Essay Writing: How to Write a Good Essay
This lesson explains how to write a good essay.

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
This lesson explains deductive and inductive reasoning.

Observation and Memory
This lesson discusses observation and memory and tests the students? reading comprehension.

Forming Correct Plurals
This lesson is designed to instruct students about forming correct plurals.

Run On Sentences
This lesson explains run on sentences and the different types of clauses.

Sorting and Alphabetizing
This lesson explains how to alphabetize/sort.

Subject/Verb Agreement
This lesson explains subject and verb agreement.

Who, What, Where
An introductory lesson on asking sentences or questions.

Ask or Tell: Questions and Statements
A review lesson about questions and statements and the differences between them.

Questions Please
A review lesson about questions and statements.

What Am I?
An introductory lesson about the differences between statements and questions.

Who Asked Why? Questions and Question Marks
This is a short lesson about questions and question marks.

This lesson introduces children to another grammatical part of speech ? the interjection. The reading can be used either as an individual or paired reading exercise or as the teacher?s resource.

Spelling - Diagraphs (gh, ph and f)
The spelling lesson focuses on the digraphs gh and ph used as an ?f?.

Exclamatory Sentences
A introductory lesson about using exclamatory sentences and how to punctuate them.

Exclamatory Sentences: A Sentence That Shouts
This is a short lesson about exclamatory sentences and how to use them.

Command Sentences: Take Me To Your Leader
This is an introductory lesson about command sentences.

All About Sentences
This is a review lesson about sentence types, sentence structure, and punctuation.

I Know How You End
This is a short review lesson about sentences and punctuation.

Mixed Sentence Practice
This is a review lesson about sentence types and punctuation.

What Kind Am I?
This is a short review lesson about the four types of sentences, including examples.

What Kind of Sentence?
This is a review lesson about sentence types and special punctuation.

Well I Declare
This is a review lesson about the four kinds of sentences with an emphasis on Declarative Sentences or Statements.

Exclamatory Sentences: Show Some Excitement
This is an introductory lesson or a review about sentence types with a focus on exclamatory sentences.

The Imperative Sentence
This is a review lesson about imperative sentences and other sentence types.

Subject Plus Verb
A review lesson for middle grades on using imperative sentences.

Interrogative Sentences: The Questioning Sentence
This is an introductory or a review lesson about interrogative sentences.

This is an introductory lesson about adverbs and how they are used.

This is an introductory lesson about prefixes and what they mean.

Consonants: Doubling Up
This lesson provides the basic rules for doubling the final consonants of words.

Helping Verbs
This is an introductory lesson about auxiliary or helping verbs and how to use them.

This lesson introduces students to suffixes.

Simple Subjects: Keep It Simple
This can be either a review lesson or an introductory lesson about simple subjects.

Learning About Simple Sentences
This is an introductory lesson about simple sentences.

Mixed Sentence Review
This is a review lesson about the four types of sentences.

More Simple Sentence Practice
This can be either an introductory lesson or a review lesson on simple sentences.

Super Simple Subjects
This is an introductory lesson about simple subjects.

Linking Verbs
Activity A requires children to identify linking verbs while Activity B gives them the opportunity to use linking verbs in sentences.

Capital Letters
The reading should be done by the children themselves as they need to see as well as hear the placing of the capital letters.

Larry Bird
To introduce Larry Bird to the students using a short reading passage with a corresponding comprehension worksheet.

Compound It
Introducing compound subjects

Its so Simple Learning about Simple Predicates
This is a beginning lesson in using simple predicates.

The Action Word Verb
Introductory or review lesson in using simple predicates.

If Its so Simple: Using Simple Subjects and Predicates
Review of simple subjects and simple predicates.

Simply Review: Using Simple Subjects and Predicates
Review of simple subjects and predicates.

Subject and Subject: Using Compound Subjects
Learning to use simple, compound subjects.

Subject Subject Predicate Predicate: Using Compound Subjects and Predicates
Review lesson on simple sentences with compound subjects and predicates.

Double Compounds: Using Compound Subjects and Predicates
Review of compound subjects and compound predicates.

One Subject Two Predicates: Learning to use Compound Predicates
Review or introductory lesson in using compound predicates.

Predicate and Predicate: Learning about Compound Predicates
Learning about compound predicates.

The Whole Thing - Learning about Complete Subjects
Learning about complete subjects.

Complete Subject Review: Extra Worksheets for Subject Mastery
Complete subject review.

Its Either Simple or Complete - Learning about Subjects
Lesson on using simple and complete subjects.

Simple Subject Review - Extra Worksheets for Subject Mastery
Simple subject review.